Sermon Archives
Exploring the Accomplishments of the Cross- Redemption- Bearing the Curses of Despair, Anxiety, Barrenness, and Abandonment to Give Us the Blessing of Hope, Peace, Intimacy, Fruitfulness, and Joy
- November 4, 2018 Dr. Bill ThrasherExploring the Accomplishments of the Cross – Bearing the Curse of Bondage to Liberate Us to the Blessing of True Freedom
- October 21, 2018 Dr. Bill ThrasherA Clear and Present Danger
- October 14, 2018 Guest#2This sermon is available in CD/mp3 physical format only.
Exploring the Accomplishments of the Cross-Bearing Our Shame to Give Us True “Boldness”- Inner Freedom
- October 7, 2018 Dr. Bill ThrasherExploring the Accomplishments of the Cross- Bearing the Curse of Condemnation to Give the Blessing of Acceptance
- September 16, 2018 Dr. Bill ThrasherExploring the Accomplishments of the Cross – Deliverance From Sin and Satan to Experiencing Covenant Love and Continual Cleansing to the Glory of God
- September 9, 2018 Dr. Bill ThrasherExploring the Accomplishments of the Cross – Propitiation and Reconciliation
- August 19, 2018 Dr. Bill Thrasher